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Recensie King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard

zaterdag 18 juli 2015Salacgriva - Latvia


At the first glance they may look like some new band from Australia, but actually they know exactly what they are doing and more so - what they are playing, taking the listeners to an extraordinary place with no time or space frames. Multiple local award winners brought the crowd to dance despite the fact it was raining dogs.

King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard is as unusual and expressive as their band name seems to be. Their cuddly and melodic sound with just a hint of the country-like vocals brought an exploratory approach to the rock genre as a whole and challenged the audience to seek deeper layers in their straight-in-your-face performance. They didn‘t get confused if technical problems emerged, they didn‘t care if the weather wasn‘t as sunny as they would prefer - the Melbourne band just played and made the crowd happy no matter what.

Rocking out the old and well-appreciated songs, the band also introduced a ton of their newest work form latest studio album Quarters!, which came out in March. Overall the performance was pretty enjoyable and we surely would choose their recordings to have fun and merry house party with friends, who claim not to be able to dance, just to prove them wrong. It‘s impossible to sit still, listening to these a little bit wild music warriors. 

< LÄ«va Romane >

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