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Recensie M83

zaterdag 16 juli 2016Salacgriva - Latvia


The moment Positivus had so patiently waited for – an amazing M83 performance at the end of the 2nd day of festival. This French electronic music group brought their synthpop/ambient vibe to Positivus stage making everyone cheer as loud as possible.

At first the lead singer Anthony Gonzalez was wearing his hoodie that made him look like an epic character from some kind of Terminator movie. Of course, he wasn’t the only one with such a badass look – the rest of the group members presented themselves with a simple yet unique appearance. No doubt that M83 has one of a kind ability to make the crowd go crazy for their music. Everyone was hoping and wishing for a great time, which is exactly what they got.

We can all agree that nowadays it is pretty difficult to make it out there as a musician…or anything else really, because today it seems like nothing can surprise us anymore – as the future is already here. Artists performing on a stage by making part of their music not only with music instruments, but also with computers may seem a bit weird…and that is exactly why M83 is so successful. They’ve got this killer charisma, killer music and killer interaction with each other and people they are performing to.

It is no surprise why M83 got its name from a spiral galaxy named Messier 83 aka M83 – it is one of the brightest galaxies in the sky, making it visible with binoculars. Making it visible to Positivus and all M83 fans.

< Teiksma Jankava >

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